elif kilic

elif kilic
Sıkı Okur
☆yes, i ate the oreos ☆lutfen hashas savasi okuyun hayatimi degistirdi (hâlâ iyi yonde mi kotu yonde mi emin degilim) ☆hardcore swiftie open.spotify.com/user/79wcgciws5...
"ravi singh," dedi ravi parmağıyla havaya adını yazarak, "filtrelenmemiş derin düşünceler, pip'in böcek arabası, 2017." "bugün derste bir saat dipnot konusunu işledik," dedi pip, gözlerini yoldan ayırmadan. "dipnot nasıl verilir, bilmediğimi sanıyorlar. anne karnından akademik referansların nasıl yazılacağını bilerek çıktım ben." "oldukça ilginç bir süper güç; marvel'ı aramalısın."
Sayfa 125 - pippa ─ raviKitabı okuyor
tupperware kutusunu ravi'ye uzattı. "ve kek yaptım." "rüşvet keki mi?" "tarifte böyle yazıyordu, evet."
Sayfa 40 - pippa ─ raviKitabı okuyor
tam bu ne be diye bakmaya gidecektim
'... he was a prestidigitator.' a silence. lockwood nodded. 'ah, yes. was he? interesting. good for him.' 'you don't know what that means, do you?' 'not the foggiest clue.'
Sayfa 98 - mr tufnell ─ lockwoodKitabı okuyor

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
words to live by
'lots of news this morning,' lockwood said, indicating the paper. i opened an eye. 'good?' 'no.' 'bad?' 'baddish and bad. two things, and neither particularly great for us.' 'let's have the baddish one first,' george said. 'i prefer my misery to come at me in stages, so i can acclimatize on the way.'
Sayfa 67 - lockwood ─ lucy ─ georgeKitabı okuyor
the face rolled its eyes. 'piffle. know what this is an example of? skullism.' 'what nonsense are you spouting now?' 'you've heard of racism. you've heard of sexism. well, this is skullism, pure and simple. you're judging me by my outward appearance. you doubt my word solely because i'm a skull lurking in a jar of slime-green plasm. admit it!'
Sayfa 12 - skull ─ lucyKitabı okuyor
'i need lunch for me and three of my officers. think you could go in there and rustle up some sandwiches? there's a five pounds in it for you if they're edible.' 'yes, sir. certainly, sir. they'll be the best you ever tasted.' he trotted into the house. 'your fiver's safe, mr barnes,' george said. 'the wrapper will be the only edible bit, take it from me.'
Sayfa 503 - barnes ─ danny ─ georgeKitabı okudu
'ooh, that's not good,' kipps said. 'cubbins, where did you ever learn to throw?' 'he didn't, basically. that's the problem.'
Sayfa 483 - kipps ─ lucy ─ ( george )Kitabı okudu
'you've got to admit, kipps,' george said, 'you didn't get a night like this when you were working for fittes. doesn't it make you feel better?' 'feel better about what?' 'about being you.'
Sayfa 480 - george ─ kippsKitabı okudu
'ah, two firm friends, reunited at last! there should be sweet violin music playing for us, but i'll settle for the screams of the dying.' my eyes scanned the carnage. 'no one's really dying, are they?' 'maybe not, but it's not for want of trying. there's a few nasty magnesium burns on view. some of those scientists are going to have trouble sitting down tomorrow morning.'
Sayfa 476 - skull ─ lucyKitabı okudu
and there, slouching in a corner by the side-wall, a thin and rangy youth, hair spiked, hands in pockets, staring at me. he stood amidst a pile of discarded jars and boxes. he was as grey as the inhabitants of the dark village, except for his grin, which gleamed sardonically even in the swirling dusk and was somehow most familiar.
Sayfa 469 - skull on the other sideKitabı okudu
ne demek replaceable haddini bil (ozur dilerim skull oyle demek istemedim)
'just leave him be. you make too much of him. always have. he is replaceable, you know. hey, if you close your eyes or switch out the light, i might be lockwood.'
Sayfa 442 - skullKitabı okudu
flo ve george olacagini bilmesem bu ikisini asiri shiplerim kahretsin
the others levered themselves up. 'not bad, cubbins,' kipps breathed. 'i never thought you could flatten yourself like that. at all in fact.' 'i never thought you could make witty comments,' george said. 'and i was right.'
Sayfa 414 - kipps ─ georgeKitabı okudu
su anlarin kirintilari icin yasiyorum
then i realized he was still holding my hand. he realized it at the same instant. our fingers kind of fell away, swinging back into vigilant positions at our work-belts, ready to seize salt bomb or rapier at a moment's notice. lockwood cleared his throat; i pushed my hair out of my eyes. our boots did small, intricate shuffles on the frosty ground. 'what the hell was that?' i said. 'the shadow?' lockwood glanced at me from under his fringe. 'of course the shadow...' he shook his head.
Sayfa 397 - lucy ─ lockwoodKitabı okudu
'it's all right, you don't have to thank me. at least, not with words. money will do fine.'
Sayfa 354 - georgeKitabı okudu
one bed trope yasadiklarina gore shipliyorum (arkadaslar)
'i didn't sign up for this,' kipps said. 'horrific phantoms, yes. waking up next to cubbins, no.'
Sayfa 346 - kipps ─ georgeKitabı okudu
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